Tamil Nadu Advance Manufacturing Centre of Excellence (TAMCOE) jointly set up by TIDCO and GE Aviation.
TAMCOE will work towards technology development of aviation engine parts such as compressor heat exchangers, combustor components, casing, frames, gears, and splines. It will also take up projects in development of predictive analytical solutions for additive manufacturing (AM) for Industry 4.0.
Metal Additive Manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is a scalable manufacturing technology whose adoption is being deployed at scale across many industries, globally. AM innovation is being led by the aerospace and defense, healthcare, and automotive sectors, which were early adopters and are now super users of the technology.
Tamilnadu Advance Manufacturing Centre of Excellence (TAMCOE) in TIDEL Park is a Self-sufficient centre capable of State of Art R&D and Technology Creation in the field of Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM).